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Two smart marketing people resurrect some old films starring cowboy Smoky Callaway and put them on television. The films are a big hit and the star is in demand. Unfortunately no one can find him. When a lookalike sends in a photo, the marketing team hires him to impersonate Callaway. Things get sticky when the real Callaway eventually shows up.
Minor Gem That Holds Up Despite the Years
Thanks be to TMC for rescuing this minor gem from movie oblivion. Sure, kids have long since traded cowboy idols for computer screens, but the pointed humor surrounding Hollywood's money-making machine remains as fresh and timely as ever. MacMurray and McGuire are Hollywood hustlers looking to cash in on cowboy Callaway's renewed popularity via that novel entertainment gimmick, television. Meanwhile, kids everywhere are clamoring for more of their TV idol. The trouble is the actor has long since decided he prefers a drunken stupor to riding horseback and has disappeared from public view. What to do-- the hustlers are so close to the big bucks they can almost smell easy street. In a stroke of luck, a Callaway look-a-like turns up, and they hire him as an impersonator. The trouble is he's a straight-shooter from the boondocks, can't act, and couldn't care less about the Hollywood scene. But the two M's are real Tinsel Town slickers so things begin to work out. Then, however, the real Callaway (Keel, also) shows up and the fun really starts.
Fine script from Panama and Frank. The barbs fly thick and fast, so you may need a scorecard to keep up. I love it when the stagehands and those folks who never get their names on screen show how to sabotage an arrogant movie star. Watch the flop Callaway takes executing one of those spectacular flying horse mounts. Though the humor is mainly aimed at Hollywood types and film-making generally, it's never mean-spirited, and we end up liking MacMurray even though he takes real advantage of the innocent "Stretch". Note too, the studio disclaimer at the end. That, no doubt, was to keep Hoppy happy since Cassidy's old films on TV were the movie's obvious inspiration. Being one of those kids that long-ago lined up to meet the real Hoppy, I can testify that he was stone cold sober and a nice guy, to boot. So as the disclaimer says-- the movie is intended merely in the spirit of good fun with no aspersions cast. And a lot of fun it is.
Matt Brennan runs into Jo Holloway, the Red Cross girl he romanced in Europe when he was a flyer in World War II, when he is offered a job by jet manufacturer Leland Willis as a test pilot. Carl Troxell, wants to sell an escape cockpit to the Air Force. He wants Matt to stall the presentation of JA-3 the prototype that doesn't include the ejection seat, to give him more time for the experimental JA-4. But Matt doesn't believe it is yet safe enough to try.
Raymond Massey as Howard Hughes??? Huh?
In the recent film The Aviator, one of the points of Howard Hughes's life that was gone into great detail was his post World War II airplane crash in Beverly Hills while testing a new model.
From what was shown in Leonardo DiCaprio's hauntingly accurate portrayal of Hughes, the casting of Raymond Massey in a paper thin version of the flamboyant aviator/businessman is pretty laughable. I'm sure Howard must have seen Chain Lightning and didn't like it a bit.
Jets were certainly a new phenomenon in those years and had the Germans developed them sooner and additionally had invested in aircraft carriers, the course of history would have been markedly and tragically different.
Humphrey Bogart is not bad as the Chuck Yeager like test pilot, in fact Yeager's historic flight breaking the sound barrier is referenced in the plot. Warner Brothers would have been better served with a straightforward biographical film about that flight.
Richard Whorf is the earnest aircraft engineer who worries that Massey is sacrificing safety for flashy headlines. Sad to say, but Howard Hughes would have been the first to agree with Massey's position. Headlines did and still do sell military hardware, just a fact of life.
Warner Brothers cheated on the aerial footages, you can plainly see the stuff is pretty routine. Now one thing about Howard Hughes, he certainly did know how to make aerial films exciting.
Fairly clichéd subplot about Bogart reuniting with war time love Eleanor Parker who is now Massey's secretary.
I would recommend it for fans of Bogey and that's about it.
Jungle Jim is asked to find a young woman who supposedly lives in the jungle with her pet tiger. It's believed that she may be the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Martindale, explorers who long ago who were looking for the lagoon of the dead, a place where legend has it witch doctors held human sacrifices. Some of the locals, particularly the witch doctor Hakim, believe she is a she-devil who is out to cause them harm. As well Barton, an gold-hunting explorer, is also looking for the girl and lagoon which he believes contains a treasure of gold. Jungle Jim will have to fight several jungle animals along the way before he rescues the girl from Hakim.
just about as silly as it gets
I enjoy a good pulp adventure story with an exotic setting, but it's been a long time since I've seen one as silly as this.
The sets are ultra-silly to begin with: other than yonder copse of trees, the background is largely devoid of vegetation, which is awfully strange for the jungle deep in darkest Africa. It doesn't take very long until we see our first tiger battle (tigers being an Asian cat, mark ye well)--and the tiger takes on a domestic Philippine water buffalo, no less. To be honest, we're positively overflowing with tigers, which is silly, insofar as any ecosystem is awfully thin on apex predators and quite heavy on prey animals.
From the outset, Buster Crabbe's acting is beneath terrible. Frankly, it sounds as if he's reading from a canned script--and applying just about as much interest: I expect him to next say, "Yes, Jim, let's head over to the . . . hold up while I flip the page here . . . the, um, Lagoon of the Dead." Realism is scarcely contributed by the lily-white staff of his hunter's cabin (the term for "hunter" is "shikari," but I can't remember the spiffy Swahili term for his cabin) or by the Polynesian or Hawaiian-looking dude who bangs drums Hawaiian style: I expected him to presently dig into some coconuts and pineapples! Pretty soon, we're off to the native village, where the Viking-helmeted witch doctor (Vikings didn't actually have horned helmets: let that be our little secret) is leading some inscrutable ritual involving sticks. Oh, and the witch doctor's name is Hakeem--which, when I last checked, is, like, extremely Arabic. Of course, Jungle Jim (I guess he's searching for his buddy, Mountain Jim) is climbing boulders and steep cliff sides and such with the help of a sturdy lapdog that appears to be a Maltese or a Wheaten terrier or something (it's always handy to bring a hardy work dog with you on an African mission). The dog does provide comic relief, admittedly, when Jim's pet chimpanzee is upset by something and wants to hide his eyes behind something warm and fluffy. Whoa, suddenly we have an alligator battle! Unfortunately, the alligator (or was it a crocodile?) is the most obvious rubber model I've ever seen: it doesn't even fight back, and--when Jungle Jim sticks his hunting knife into it--it doesn't even condescend to bleed. (This must be thanks to Jim's other buddy, Veterinarian Jim.) By this point, I lost interest entirely. I apologize if this review seems somewhat jumpy, but it's honestly reflective of the jumpy nature of the story.
Whoops . . . I spoke too soon: we have now suddenly discovered a "sacrificial temple," replete with beautiful native girls who--despite an evidently high order of civilization--think that it's appropriate to march through the underbrush in bare feet, snakes and thorns notwithstanding.
Andrew Crocker-Harris, a classic teacher in a British school, is a man hounded by a heart ailment, and by his wife's disloyalty, who is pursuing a science teacher. He has lost his feeling for the emotions of others and his understanding of the boys he is there to teach.
A Study in Cruelty
Based on Terence Rattigan's play, this is a moving story of a public (private) schoolmaster's disappointments as his life slips away from him, and his increasing sense of isolation from everyone around him as even his wife makes clear her bitterness towards him. Michael Redgrave's performance is masterfully poignant. The film was made in an era when the values inherent in the film still had considerable currency, helping the film to achieve a degree of authenticity which it is doubtful could be achieved today. (I have not seen the more recent version, though, so it may be that I am wrong). If you are interested in the human condition, or simply want to see a masterful portrayal of human pain then you should watch this film.
Professor Henri Faust, retiring after 50 years as an alchemist in a circa-1700 university, despairs at still knowing nothing of the true secrets of nature...whereupon his old acquaintance Mephistopheles, servant of Lucifer, appears and grants him youth and a new life. But with youth, Faust's interest is diverted from science to women. And Mephistopheles, who has taken on the guise of the elderly Faust that was, sets many snares for his young friend's slippery soul...
An old time french masterpiece
Though I'm french, I am not a fan of french movies which I usually find boring or too intellectual ( in a pejorative way ).
This being said, I've always liked this movie, greatly because of the incredible performance of Michel Simon, undoubtedly one of the greatest french actors ever. His portrayal of Mephistopheles is delightful in every way. He leaves but little place to the other actors ( mostly Gerard Philippe the avatar of the romantic actor, playing young Faust having sold his soul to the devil ).
In an era where special effects where about non existent, Rene Clair managed to make a really witty comedy about the meaning of life.
Astonishing to see how certain movies, no matter how old they are, remain entertaining. This is definitely one of them.
A must see ! Should you like it, try Belles de Jour from Rene Clair too, another witty romantic old times french comedy. You'll be pleased.
A college basketball star collaborrates with organized crime and becomes involved in 'point shaving.' A sportswriter tries to get him back on the right track.
Read the headlines... Forget the small print.
Sitting in a bar all by himself sports writer Pete Farreday, John Ireland,is approached by a reporter, Johnny Phillips, with a photo of a number of college students arrested for being involved in a mob-fix of basketball games that they played in. Asking at first for the reporter to please not print that photo after Pete ripped it up, when the reporter refused, Pete let him have it with a left to the jaw.
Pete had a very personal interest in the story that the reporter was talking about and as the movie goes into flashback and we in the audience get to see what happened to get Pete so emotional about it. Johnny Long, Marshall Thompson, is a good student and even better basketball player on the Central High School team. Wanting to go to a college close to where he lived with his kid brother Mickey, Bobby Hyatt, who Johnny was supporting, as well as himself. At his job as a valet at the Cresthaven Country Club Johnny turned down a number of basketball scholarships from colleges out of the area.
Pete got to know Johny well and was also a good friend of the local college ,State College, basketball coach Nat Becker, Walter Sande, who got Johnny in the college where he quickly became the star player and was leading the State College basketball team to the local as well as country-wide championship. While Johnny was working at the Cresthaven Club he met mob bookie Mike Taft ,William Bishop, who was interested in Johnny not for his hard work and ethics on and off the basketball court but for what he Johnny could do for him and the mob that he works with. Taft was interested in making a lot of cash for the mob and himself by throwing Johnny a few scraps for playing along with him, in shaving points.
A "See it now straight from the headlines" type movie that was obviously made to capitalize on the CCNY, among other, college point-shaving scandal that rocked the world of college sports back in the early 1950's. With John Ireland playing a hard hitting, with his fists as well as his typewriter keys, sports columnist who's for college athletes getting compensated by their schools in order to counter-balance the temptations that they are faced with, like Johnny, by mobsters like Mike Taft.
Made an impact back then,1951,on the public but watching the movie now it's no big deal compared to the corruption and abuse in the sports world, both professional and college, that we see now. We see at first Johnny strongly rejecting cash from Taft for purposely missing points in games that he and the mob are betting on. Later, when Johnnies financial troubles become unbearable he gives in to mobsters and thus destroys a promising career in both college and professional basketball.
Johnny also, by being busted, loses his girl who he was engaged to marry Pat, Vanessa Brown, and that ironically was the reason that he was busted in the first place. Johnny foolishly paid $1,000.00 in cash, that he got from Taft, for an engagement ring for Pat giving a false name but having the right initials carved into the ring. Johnny being a big college star was easily recognized by the Jewelry salesman, Lester Shape, who got in touch with the press and thus Johnnies fate was sealed. In the end Johnny Long learned the hard way what he never would learn in college. That when you get in with "The Mob" there's no way of getting out except in a pine box or prison cell.
In Japan, after the death of Mr. Masago, her wife Satomi Masago loses the family's company "Lily Cosmetic" to Mr. Mogy due to huge amount of debts relative to withdraws of money from the company made by her husband. Mogy blackmails Satomi's sister Hinako, asking her to marry him and he would not send Masago to jail, and Satomi wrongly understands that Hinako is dating her enemy Mogy. Satomi Masago founds the "Niagera Cosmetic" to compete with Lily and becomes a powerful executive. Hinako indeed likes Sonoike, former employee of Toyo Pictures and hired to work in Niagera, but Satomi plots the marriage of Hinako with her manager Tsuke Hinjatsu. Meanwhile, their young sister Chisuzu Satomi decides to live with the small time crook and pimp Ejima, from "Fashion & Films", being explored and abused by him. When Masago hires her lover Kojima to be the account of Niagera, she finds that Hinatsu is stealing the company with his mistress Yamashita. Hinatsu tries to kill Hinako and she loses her...
Melodramatic Japanese Soap-Opera
In Japan, after the death of Mr. Masago, her wife Satomi Masago loses the family's company "Lily Cosmetic" to Mr. Mogy due to huge amount of debts relative to withdraws of money from the company made by her husband. Mogy blackmails Satomi's sister Hinako, asking her to marry him and he would not send Masago to jail, and Satomi wrongly understands that Hinako is dating her enemy Mogy. Satomi Masago founds the "Niagera Cosmetic" to compete with Lily and becomes a powerful executive. Hinako indeed likes Sonoike, former employee of Toyo Pictures and hired to work in Niagera, but Satomi plots the marriage of Hinako with her manager Tsuke Hinjatsu. Meanwhile, their young sister Chisuzu Satomi decides to live with the small time crook and pimp Ejima, from "Fashion & Films", being explored and abused by him. When Masago hires her lover Kojima to be the account of Niagera, she finds that Hinatsu is stealing the company with his mistress Yamashita. Hinatsu tries to kill Hinako and she loses her baby. Ejima publishes a book with the scandals of Masago, and her company bankrupts. In the end, the three sisters get rid off their mates and stay together.
I saw this movie in a Brazilian cable television expecting to see another great Japanese classic. I was absolutely wrong: "Bara Gessen" is nothing but a melodramatic Japanese soap-opera, full of scandals, shallow romances and situations. The confused plot begins with many characters without previous development, and is full of ellipsis and insinuations, being sometimes very difficult to follow and understand. I found interesting the story be supported by women, one of them very powerful, as lead characters. My vote is four.
Title (Brazil): "Batalha das Rosas" (Battle of Roses")
Good film, forgotten for many years
This film tell the story (invented but based on the real situation) of a group of partisan near Genova during the nazi occupation of Northern Italy that have to recover some weapons in a factory (with the help of the workers) and the dilemma of a group of italian "Alpini" soldier (mountain special troops) that was in doubt if is better to follow the order of the nazi ally/occupants or to join the partisan Resistance and fight for the freedom of Italy.
In this film appear a young Gina Lollobrigida, not at the maximum of her playing ability.
The film, that now have a great historical value, was first boycotted and then censored and retired from the distribution for many years by the italian cattolic government, because the partisans near Genova was quite all of Communist or Socialist ideology, so they think that the film can be used as a form of propaganda.
Using a good B/W the film show the city of the immediate post-war period, with some clip taken from documentaries of the time, and the mountain territory near Genova.
When Willie leaves home to join the war effort he is all ready to become a hero, but he is only frustrated when his posting ends up to be in his home town, and he is recruited into training, keeping him from the action. However, when he finds himself accidently behind enemy lines he unexpectedly becomes a hero after all.
Fair Ford
When Willie Comes Marching Home (1950)
** (out of 4)
John Ford's comedy about a man (Dan Dailey) who joins the Army to become a war hero but he ends up in the recruiting section back in his hometown, which gets the people there thinking he's a coward. I'm not sure what it is but these Ford comedies just aren't working for me. The whole idea is that the character is a very brave man but due to his placing, people thinks he's a coward. This one joke runs throughout the entire film and it just never made me laugh. I never got bored with the film but without any laughs there's really not much else going on. Dailey is very good in his role and keeps the film moving along. Colleen Townsend and William Demarest are also good as his parents. The film is a comedy but as expected Ford treats the war stuff very serious including during the opening when we hear about the attack of Pearl Harbor. This film shares a lot with Preston Sturges's Hail! The Conquering Hero but that film works a lot better. Vera Miles has her film debut here but I didn't spot her.